pellet therapy really last

How Long Does Pellet Therapy Really Last?

Menopause can have a serious effect on your quality of life. While it is unavoidable, that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer the irritating symptoms year after year on your own. With pellet therapy, you can minimize the effects of “the change” and get back to feeling great! So, how long does pellet therapy really last? Here’s what you need to know about the longevity of this treatment.

What Is Pellet Therapy?

There are many things you can do to minimize undesirable symptoms, such as making certain lifestyle changes. However, exercising and eating a healthy diet only help so much. Odds are that you’ll still experience the effects of changes in hormone levels including decreased estrogen. Pellet therapy is a natural hormone replacement therapy that targets the source of menopause symptoms using bioidentical hormones.

Each pellet is as small as a grain of rice. Pellets are placed just under the surface of the skin.

How Long Does Pellet Therapy Really Last?

Pellet therapy doesn’t last forever. You’ll know when it’s time for a new pellet, as symptoms will slowly return. There are many factors, such as your metabolism and activity levels, that affect how long the effects of the treatment last.

Over time, the pellet will completely dissolve and all of the hormones will have been released into your body. On average, pellets last between four to six months. This means that a new pellet will need to be inserted a few times a year to keep menopause symptoms at bay.

Quality Menopausal Care Is Just a Phone Call to The Menopause Center Away!

How long does pellet therapy really last? Is pellet therapy the right menopause treatment for me? Our team at The Menopause Center, led by Dr. Melinda Hall, has all of the answers to your questions while also providing the care you deserve. Schedule an appointment by calling our office today at 703-991-6806!

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