Hormone Specialist for Women

Best Hormone Specialist for Women in Annandale, Virginia

Menopause is known to cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms range from hot flashes to mood swings to night sweats. In many cases, hormone replacement therapy can help relieve these symptoms. Keep reading to learn about four symptoms that indicate the need for care from the best hormone specialist for women.

Four Signs You Need to See Best Hormone Specialist for Women in Annandale, Virginia

When the body enters menopause, estrogen production greatly decreases. This causes a wide range of symptoms, which can be minimized with hormone replacement therapy. 

  1. Changes to your sex life due to low drive, painful sex, and/or decreased lubrication: Decreased estrogen levels can have a serious impact on your libido. Have you been finding it more difficult to get aroused? Or, are you experiencing symptoms such as vaginal dryness, which can lead to painful sex? If so, it’s time to seek care.
  2. Mood changes: Everyone has changes to their moods, but hormonal changes during menopause can make them more frequent and more troublesome. While eating a healthy diet, exercising, and practicing relaxation techniques can help, they aren’t always enough to mitigate the effects of a hormonal imbalance.
  3. Insomnia: Sleep deprivation can take a serious toll on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, menopause is known to make falling and staying asleep more difficult. A chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of depression and chronic diseases.
  4. Urinary issues: Women with decreased estrogen levels are at a higher risk of a weakened urethra. If you urinate when you cough, sneeze, or laugh, you may have menopause-related urinary stress incontinence.

Struggling With Symptoms of “The Change?” Find Specialized Relief Here at The Menopause Center

Seeking care from the best hormone specialist for women in Annandale, Virginia can be life-changing. At The Menopause Center, we offer a wide range of treatment options including pellet therapy to help you get back to feeling your best. Schedule an appointment by contacting us today at 703-991-6806!

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