When Do You Need a Gynecologist?

When Do You Need a Gynecologist?

When Is the Right Time for a Woman to Start Visiting a Gynecologist?

This is an excellent question for any woman, but especially for those coming of age. Your vaginal health is likely important to you, and it should be. So how do you know the answer to when do you need a gynecologist in order to maximize your feminine health?

The answer to this question really depends on the individual, as there are various factors that help determine whether you need a gynecologist or not.

So, What’s the Scoop? When Do You Need a Gynecologist Versus a Family Medicine Doctor?

For many health concerns, your primary care doctor can diagnose and treat you without the need for a specialist, especially if you’re under the age of 18. This includes chronic or acute medical conditions that don’t involve the female reproductive system.

For anything that does involve your reproductive system as a female, you should see a gynecologist, as they are medical doctors with specialty training in conditions that involve the vagina, vulva, cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and breasts.

Any type of care that you need for these areas is best addressed by a gynecologist. For females under the age of 18, a gynecologist should be seen for issues such as painful menstruation, inability to wear tampons, contraception needs, sexual dysfunction, and delayed menarche, which is when menstrual cycles haven’t begun by the age of 16).

How Can a Gynecologist Help Improve My Health as a Woman?

A gynecologist can help ensure your sexual and reproductive health is always at its best. They can help prevent, diagnose, and treat a wide range of issues, such as STIs, pregnancy, fertility issues, reproductive cancers, hormonal imbalances, low libido and other symptoms of sexual dysfunction, and so much more.

When Do You Need a Gynecologist? When You’re Ready to Take Charge of Your Sexual and Reproductive Health of Your Sexual and Reproductive Health!

If you’ve delayed a gynecology appointment because of embarrassment or any other reason, it’s time to take control over your health with compassionate physician, Dr. Melinda S. Hall. She will put you at ease during your appointment and help you feel safe and calm. Call us today at 703-991-6806 to book your visit, and reclaim your feminine health!

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