pellet therapy

Pellet Therapy for Menopause

When you start having symptoms of menopause, relief is your top priority. However, there are several ways to treat menopause, and one of those ways is with pellet therapy. So, what is it and how long do hormones last with pellet therapy?

I’ve Never Heard of Pellet Therapy. What Is It?

Pellet therapy is a perfect way to deliver bio-identical hormones to you as you need them. Bio-identical hormones are exact copies of the hormones your body produces naturally. These hormones are always customized to your needs, and dosing is highly accurate.

How Is Pellet Therapy Performed?

Pellet therapy is done in an in-office visit. A pellet is inserted into your upper hip through a small incision. This hand-tailored pellet slowly dissolves over time while delivering a precise dose of hormones to your body. 

What are the Benefits?

There are so many benefits to receiving pellet therapy. For instance, reduced menopausal symptoms, such as improved focus, higher sex drive, and improved bone density.

Okay, So How Long Do Hormones Last With Pellet Therapy?

Hormones through pellet therapy normally last anywhere from three to five months. Keep in mind that every woman has a different metabolism, and the length of time bio-identical hormones last varies from person to person.

Is It Safe?

Yes! Pellet therapy has been in practice for over 80 years. Not only is pellet therapy safe for you, but it’s also safer for your loved ones. You never have to worry about transferring hormones to your pets, family, and sexual partners like you do with prescription creams.

Experience the Wonders of Pellet Therapy for Menopause Symptom Relief!

Getting pellet therapy takes very little time, but has major results! If you’re still asking, “How long do hormones last with pellet therapy”, then turn to the experts at The Menopause Clinic. Contact us today at 703-991-6806 to make an appointment. Stop suffering the effects of menopause, and start enjoying life again as you go through this amazing transitional phase!

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