how long does vaginal rejuvenation last

How Long Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Last?

There’s not much that can make a woman feel less feminine than the associated symptoms of an aging vaginal area. But, vaginal rejuvenation can reverse the signs of atrophy, such as looseness, pain or discomfort during intercourse, vaginal dryness, and even urinary incontinence in some cases. So, what’s the scoop – how long does vaginal rejuvenation last to tighten and tone?

You Might Be Surprised About the Truth of How Long Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Last

Firstly, you should know that there are options when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation. There are surgical procedures to improve the area, as well as non-surgical treatments. Laser vaginal rejuvenation techniques are a great option. The Mona Lisa Touch utilizes a state-of-the-art carbon dioxide (CO2) laser to stimulate collagen production and increase blood flow.

The actual Mona Lisa Touch procedure only takes about five minutes. The treatment is a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment. With laser vaginal rejuvenation, you can expect to be free from symptoms such as vulvar itchiness, lack of natural lubrication, burning, discomfort, and/or pain during intercourse for at least one year. After one year you can have maintenance treatments for symptom relief if they recur.

Another Surprise – You Will Notice Improvement Within a Week (Or Less!) 

Amazingly, Mona Lisa Touch works quickly, so you will notice results in about five to seven days. You may need several treatments spaced out over a few months to achieve ideal results.

And Another Secret – You Can Resume Sexual Activity Within Days

Most women are able to have sex again in as little as one or two days after treatment. You don’t have to wait to have a normal sex life after Mona Lisa Touch. While you won’t notice an improvement in sensation or lubrication just yet, you can relax knowing that increased pleasure is within reach.

So, Book Vaginal Rejuvenation With Dr. Hall Today, and Enjoy Better Sex in a Week

What are you waiting for? Now that you know how long vaginal rejuvenation lasts, and that it is just what you need to feel sexy and feminine again, call us today at 703-854-1180! Book Mona Lisa Touch, and become one of the many women taking control over their sexual wellbeing!

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