hormone replacement therapy

Get the Scoop on Hormone Therapy

Menopause symptoms often range from bad to worse, and they feel like they’re never-ending. You’ve heard about hormone therapy and what it can do to ease menopausal symptoms. But, can a hormone specialist in Virginia really help you feel normal again?

What Is It?

Hormone therapy is simply the use of hormones as a medical treatment. One such treatment is bio-identical hormone therapy with estrogen to replace what you’re losing as you go through menopause. This estrogen is synthetic but matches what your body produces exactly. It’s often used to help women with symptoms like hot flashes, bone loss, and vaginal discomfort.

Give Me the Details!

There are two ways to take hormone therapy from a hormone specialist in Virginia: 

Systemic Hormone Therapy

This is where you take pills, use a skin patch, or apply a gel, cream, or spray to absorb estrogen into your body. You can even have a ring inserted vaginally or use other delivery methods. Systemic hormone therapy usually contains higher levels of estrogen and is used to treat the common symptoms of menopause.

Low-Dose Vaginal Products

These products contain a small amount of estrogen in order to treat urinary and vaginal symptoms of menopause. You can find this therapy in cream, tablet, or ring form.

Give It to Me Straight – Who Really Benefits From This Therapy?

If you’re a woman in good health, under the age of 60, and have moderate to severe hot flashes, vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, and/or other menopausal symptoms, then hormone therapy is likely a great option for you.

However, there are some risks and benefits that go along with it. The best way to know if this treatment is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with a hormone specialist.

Visit the Menopause Center for the Best Hormone Specialist in Virginia!

To learn about the different types of hormone therapies, contact our clinic today at 703-991-6806 to schedule an appointment. If you’re ready to say goodbye to menopausal symptoms ruining your day and interrupting your life, then talk to our women’s care team at the Menopause Center!

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