Yeast Infections

Don’t “Treat” Yeast Infections with This at Home Product

For the sake of convenience or in hopes of expediting relief, many women attempt to treat yeast infections on their own.

While some over-the-counter medications can help alleviate symptoms, a number of patients are turning to alternative home remedies, including apple cider vinegar.

Continue reading to learn why gynecologists are warning women not to treat yeast infections with this at home product, including the possible side effects.

Can You Treat a Yeast Infection with Apple Cider Vinegar?

There is limited evidence that apple cider vinegar is an effective at-home remedy for a yeast infection.

In fact, the only study that remotely supported its use was performed in a lab setting (with a petri dish), rather than a clinical setting (with living organisms).

This factor significantly limits the application of its finding to human patients.

What Are the Potential Risks of Self-Diagnosing a Yeast Infection?

Because apple cider vinegar is acidic, it can actually worsen yeast infection symptoms when applied to the vulva or inside the vagina.

Additionally, incorrectly diagnosing and treating vulvodynia as a yeast infection, can prevent patients from seeking and receiving proper medical care.

As a result, they may delay appropriate treatment and prolong inflammation and discomfort.

What GYN Conditions Are Commonly Confused with a Yeast Infection?

Not only should women avoid treating potential yeast infections with apple cider vinegar, they should be extremely cautious about self-diagnosing in the first place.

Researchers have found that women frequently misdiagnose yeast infections and commonly confuse symptoms for other gynecological issues.

In fact, a number of gynecological concerns present with symptoms that are similar to those of a yeast infection.

Yeast infections are often mistaken for contact dermatitis, bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections like trichomoniasis, a reaction to decreased estrogen associated with menopause, the presence of a foreign object, or a combination of issues.

Because each of these conditions dictate different treatments, it’s essential that patients seek care from a board-certified gynecologist like Dr. Melinda Hall.

Learn More About Yeast Infection Treatment and Prevention

If you believe that you may have a yeast infection or suffer from chronic yeast infections, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hall.

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