What Is Menopause, and Is It Permanent?

In your mid-40s and noticing some changes? Sleeping trouble? Mood swings? Hot flashes? It could be menopause, and if so, you probably have questions like what is menopause, and is it permanent? Here’s the scoop.

What Is Menopause, and Is It Permanent?

First, it’s important to know that while you may be feeling a bit stressed and crazed, it’s not a disorder or disease. It’s a natural process that every woman begins to experience usually around their mid-40s in perimenopause.


Menopause is typically indicated by not having a period for at least 12 months. As your estrogen levels begin to decrease and your ovaries stop producing eggs, you’ll start to experience common symptoms associated with it. For example, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, and brain fog.


Menopause is a transition. It’s a season where your body goes through significant changes and it may feel like forever, but it isn’t permanent. Some symptoms may linger for years afterward, however.

When Should I See a Specialist?

You should keep in mind that menopause is not the same for every woman. Your friends may experience the transition differently, so pay close attention to your body and your symptoms. Not having a regular period or other unusual issues are always a reason to see your gynecologist, but if your quality of life is being affected then it’s definitely time.

Struggling With Menopause? Tysons Gynecology Is Here for You!

Menopause isn’t easy and it can be scary, but the team at Tysons Gynecology led by Dr. Melinda Hall wants you to know it doesn’t have to be a struggle. If you have more questions like, “What is menopause, and it is permanent,” let Dr. Hall help!

For compassionate, high-quality care we encourage you to schedule your consultation by calling 703-991-6806 today. We’ll provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to happily and successfully navigate your menopausal journey and postmenopausal years!
