Treatment for Vaginal Disorders Virginia

It is very common for women to experience vaginal disorders. However, there are many treatment options for vaginal disorders in Virginia. Vaginal issues can arise from shifts in hormones, sex with a new partner, and even from medications and birth control. These are some of the most common vaginal disorders.


This is a broad term that refers to an inflamed vagina. This can be caused by a yeast infection, new products like soap or even new fabric like the lining of your underwear. Vaginitis is not contagious and to treat it, you just need to find the underlying cause.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis, or BV, is a buildup of bacteria in the vagina. Maintaining balance is crucial for the vagina. BV creates unusual discharge, itching or pain in the vagina, and a strong fishy smell. This can be especially prominent after sexual intercourse.

Yeast Infection

Also, caused by an imbalance in the bacteria, yeast infections are fungal infections. They cause discharge, irritation, and extreme itching on the vulva and vagina. Yeast infections may be caused by several things, like taking antibiotics, oral contraceptives or having intercourse after a period of abstinence.


This is caused by a parasitical infection. It causes redness, soreness, itching and burning. You may also experience discomfort when urinating and a change in vaginal discharge and odor. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease and it is contagious.


Human papillomavirus is an infection that results in warts on the genitals or the skin around the genitals. There are different strains of HPV and your symptoms depend on which strain you contract. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease. There is no cure for HPV, but some forms of HPV are preventable through vaccination.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is caused by two viruses: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Many people who contract genital herpes don’t experience symptoms. But some people develop herpes sores around their mouth, genitals, or rectum. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease. It is contagious, even if the person is not displaying symptoms.


Typically, gonorrhea affects the urethra and rectum but it can affect the throat and cervix as well. Symptoms include excessive vaginal discharge, pain while urinating, pelvic pain, and unusual vaginal bleeding.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease but it can be treated with antibiotics and cured.


This sexually transmitted disease most commonly affects young women. While most people who contract chlamydia don’t experience symptoms, others may notice abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding, and rectal pain.

Chlamydia is contagious and can be transmitted to a sexual partner even if you do not have any symptoms.


Vulvodynia is a chronic condition that causes pain around the opening of the vagina. Symptoms can be extreme, making even normal daily activities uncomfortable. Vulvodynia is not contagious and cannot be spread through sexual intercourse. There is no single cure for vulval pain but women suffering from this condition may find great relieve through certain treatments.

Atrophic Vaginitis

Atrophic Vaginitis is a condition that occurs after menopause when the body produces less estrogen. This lack of estrogen causes drying, thinning, and inflammation of a woman’s vaginal walls. Symptoms include burning when urinating, vaginal dryness, bleeding after intercourse, genital itching, and pain during intercourse. Laser treatments for vaginal rejuvenation can improve these symptoms and allow women to enjoy their sex life again.

 Treatment for Vaginal Disorders Virginia

While these are some of the most common vaginal disorders in Vagina, this list is not extensive. If you are experiencing concerning symptoms, its important to speak to your doctor. Contact the Menopause Center today to schedule an appointment with a Tysons gynecologist.
