Reasons to See a Menopause Specialist in Maryland

At least half of all women report struggling with menopause symptoms for months before speaking to a doctor. Don’t suffer alone, speak to a menopause specialist in Maryland about your symptoms. Get the help you need to deal with these frustrating, disruptive symptoms. Wondering when you should see a menopause specialist in Maryland? Stick around.

What is a Menopause Specialist?

Some doctors choose to specialize in menopause care. Certified menopause practitioners are medical professionals such as gynecologist or nurse practitioners. They have undergone additional education and training regarding menopause and caring for women with menopause symptoms. While any gynecologist technically can treat your menopause symptoms, a menopause specialist has more advanced training and in-depth knowledge in the field.

How a Specialist Helps 

Why should I see a menopause specialist in Maryland? Well, menopause specialists have the knowledge and expertise to help women make evidence-based decisions and choose the best treatment plan for them. They also understand that sometimes you have to dive deeper when it comes to discussing symptoms in order to fully understand what’s going on.

While some providers will avoid tougher conversations with their patients, a menopause specialist isn’t afraid to discuss things like vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, low libido, and relationship issues.

Who Needs a Menopause Specialist?

Any woman can see a menopause specialist. If you feel that your menopause symptoms aren’t being addressed by your primary care doctor, or you just want to see a specialist, you can.

During your consultation, you can expect a longer and more in-depth appointment. This gives your menopause specialist a chance to fully understand your symptoms and medical history. At the end of your appointment, you should have a plan to treat the symptoms you are experiencing.

Best Menopause Specialist in Maryland

IF you are experiencing uncomfortable menopause symptoms, don’t wait to speak to a doctor about it. While menopause is natural, you don’t have to suffer through it alone. Let a menopause specialist help. To learn more, please contact the Menopause Center today.
