How Can A Vulvodynia Specialist Help With Pain?

Vulvodynia can be a difficult and painful issue to endure. From itchiness and burning in the vulva to pain during sex and difficulty sitting, this illness can affect you constantly in your daily life. Not only can it be quite uncomfortable or even downright painful, but it can reduce your self-confidence. The best way to alleviate your symptoms is to find a good vulvodynia specialist in Virginia for specialty treatments that allow you to take back control over your body.

Lifestyle Changes May Be Needed, and They Can Advise You on Which Changes to Make

The exact cause of vulvodynia can vary from person to person. In some cases, there may be multiple causes. Many include lifestyle habits such as washing with unscented soaps and wearing constricting, synthetic clothing, and changing these habits can help alleviate the pain. 

It may also be a good idea to be generally gentler on your vulva by avoiding things like bike riding and horseback riding. Your specialist will ask you about your lifestyle habits so that they can determine any of these potential areas that you could change. 

They May Prescribe Medication

Depending on the cause of your pain, there may be medications that a specialist will suggest to you. These medications can be topical or in pill form.

Talking It Out Can Help

Vulvodynia can occasionally be the result of stress or depression. So, one thing a vulvodynia specialist may suggest is to talk therapy. This can also be helpful if working through relationship issues is needed to reduce stress.

They May Suggest Other Treatment Methods Such as the Following

In some cases, you may need a more aggressive approach to relieve your pain. In these cases, things such as nerve blocks, surgery, and pelvic floor therapy may be recommended.

But Most Importantly, a Vulvodynia Specialist in Virginia Can Help You Feel Comfortable Being a Woman Again!

Come to The Menopause Center if you need the best help from the greatest vulvodynia specialist in Virginia. Our biggest priority is helping our patients live pain-free and happy. To make an appointment, contact us at 703-991-6806, and restore your comfort and femininity again with treatment from our women’s health specialist, Dr. Melinda Hall.
