Hormone Imbalance Specialist in Mclean, Virginia

AlsoHormonal imbalances – chances are if you have one, you know it. But, do you know where to go for help and what help is available? Your first step should be a visit to a hormone imbalance specialist in McLean, Virginia.

What Is a Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalances are caused by a disruption to your endocrine system. This is the system that controls your body’s hormone production. So, when your endocrine glands don’t function properly, either too many hormones or not enough is produced. 


Many women experience hormonal imbalance during menopause, but there are other causes as well. For example, your period, pregnancy, endocrine gland malfunction, certain medical conditions, and even environment can all be factors. 


This imbalance can lead to many uncomfortable symptoms. Additionally, there is the potential for health problems and complications.

What Are the Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance?

You may want to consider seeing a hormone specialist if any combination of these symptoms negatively impacts your quality of life: 

  • Digestive issues
  • Hair loss
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bruising
  • Dry skin
  • Decreased libido
  • Sexual dysfunction

Hormone Imbalance Diagnosis 

You’ll be given a thorough physical exam. Additionally, lab testing, such as blood work, will be ordered. Also, your provider may order a urinalysis and/or other tests. This gives your hormone specialist hormone a look into your endocrine system to determine the best treatment option for you. 

What Are My Treatment Options?

You may need hormone replacement therapy or HRT. Also, lifestyle changes may be advisable. For example, diet modification, more exercise, and even stress management. 

If I Want the Highest Qualified Hormone Specialist in McLean, Virginia Where Do I Go?

For the best hormonal imbalance treatment, choose Dr. Melinda Hall. She leads her team with the belief that all women deserve top-notch health care. 

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Hall by contacting us at 703-991-6806 today!
