Vaginal Botox – Botox for Vulva Pain

Many women suffer from vaginal and vulva pain. While it can be difficult to ask for help with a condition so intimate, we want women to know that there are options, like Botox for vulva pain, vaginal rejuvenation, and hormone replacement therapy that can help improve your quality of life.

Relieving Pain & Restoring Sexual Function

The pelvic floor plays an essential role in women’s health. Tight pelvic muscles can lead to serious issues like: 

  • Painful intercourse
  • Pelvic pain
  • Difficulty or pain with tampon insertion
  • Vulva pain
  • Rectal pain
  • Pain after intercourse or orgasms

Consultation for Botox for Vulva Pain

First, you need a consultation with a painful sex specialist. During your consultation, the provider will discuss your medical history, including bladder, sexual, bowel, and general pelvic symptoms. You will also need a vaginal exam and your provider may also recommend tests like:

Botox for Vulva Pain

There are many treatments for vulvodynia such as pain medication, vaginal rejuvenation, acupuncture, antidepressants, surgery, or physical therapy. But there are other options for severe cases or cases that are not improved with rehab alone. One of these treatments is Botox for vulva pain. Botox is a neuromodulator. It interrupts the signals that tell muscles to contract. This relaxes the muscles and relieves pain associated with tight pelvic floor muscles.

Good Candidates for Botox Treatment

Botox is safe and FDA approved for use in many medical conditions. However, not everyone is a good candidate. People with localized, reproducible pain and spasms at the vaginal introitus may benefit from Botox. These injections can relax the muscles in the pelvic floor and alleviate pain for the patient. Some patients may not even need follow up injections.

If you would like to learn more about treatment options for vulva pain or painful intercourse, please contact the Menopause Center today.
