Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Safe?

Confidence can affect every aspect of your life, including intimacy. Due to this, millions of women have turned to vaginal rejuvenation in order to boost confidence and get their sex life back on track. If you’re new to this exciting concept, you might wonder, “Is vaginal rejuvenation safe?” So, let’s find out!

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation, and Is It Safe?

Aging and childbirth lead to a loss of vaginal elasticity. Therefore, vaginal rejuvenation is designed to relieve various vaginal issues. For example, frequent urination, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, and discomfort. This can be done in a couple of different ways, surgically and non-surgically.

Laser treatments and PRP injections with the O-Shot are two of the top non-surgical methods. Rest assured that both treatments are very safe.

Mona Lisa Touch

This innovative technology uses fractional CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser energy to safely and effectively regenerate healthy vaginal tissue. The laser stimulates collagen and elastin production without the need for hormones or medicines.

The entire treatment takes only minutes. In fact, most patients can easily return to their normal daily activities. Additionally, the Mona Lisa Touch has very few side effects.

Vaginal Rejuvenation with PRP, the O-Shot

This method uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) taken from your own blood. This PRP shot contains important growth factors. These growth factors help regenerate new cell growth and encourage tissue repair. Therefore, this is a terrific option for women who find achieving orgasm difficult.


Expect your appointment to take around an hour. Results are noticeable within one to two weeks. Because the PRP comes from you, there is little risk of adverse reactions.

How Do I Know Which Treatment Is Right for Me?

Your first step is a consultation with your gynecology specialist. It’s during this time that your medical history and symptoms are evaluated to determine which treatment is best for your specific need.

Turn to Tysons Gynecology for Amazing Vaginal Rejuvenation Results!

If you’re still asking, “Is vaginal rejuvenation safe,” book your consultation to find out more! Contact us at 703-991-6806 today!
