How to Reduce Menopausal Weight Gain

One of the most frustrating side effects of menopause is weight gain. As if the other symptoms aren’t enough! So, what do you do? If you’re wondering how to reduce menopausal weight gain, here are some tips that will help.

Work on Your Motivation

Fatigue, depression, and other issues related to hormonal imbalance can make you want to hide in bed. The problem is that laying in bed won’t help you stay fit! Take proactive steps to stay motivated to move. This might include using a health app on your smartphone or choosing a workout buddy to hit the gym with.


It really doesn’t take a lot of exercises to keep fit. You only need to commit 30 of the 1,440 minutes in a day to get moderate exercise. Not so bad, is it? That’s easily doable, so make that your goal!

Eat a Healthy Diet

You can’t eat junk food and expect to shed pounds. Ask your menopause specialist about tips for consuming a healthy, well-balanced diet, and learn how to substitute not-so-healthy foods you love with more nutritious options.

Build Those Muscles

Muscle strengthening is recommended twice a week for adults. Why? Because this type of activity builds bone mass, and that’s important as you age. 


Additionally, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will use even while you are resting. Not sure what to try? Free weights, yoga, and Pilates are all great muscle-building activities.

Need More Information on How to Reduce Menopausal Weight Gain? Get the Support You Need from The Menopause Center!

Our team here at The Menopause Center is fully committed to helping women transition through menopause. If you are struggling with menopause symptoms including weight gain, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 703-991-6806 today. We are here to help you through all phases of life!
