Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Really Work?

As we age, we begin to notice that things don’t feel the same anymore. Our intimacy may be reduced due to lost interest or not having the same sensations we used to. Vaginal rejuvenation is a great way to regain what you may have lost. But, does vaginal rejuvenation really work?

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

There are different forms of vaginal rejuvenation, such as vaginal tightening and vaginal PRP rejuvenation. They all do the same thing – treat vaginal laxity and atrophy. Treating these helps restore natural lubrication and sensations that may have been lost due to aging or childbirth. 

Unfortunately, all women have the potential to suffer from vaginal loosening regardless of age. But, there’s no need to suffer any longer!

How Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Really Work?

Yes, it truly works! Using a minimally invasive laser procedure, your gynecologist can restore tightness and sensation. These treatments increase blood flow, restore the vaginal walls, boost tissue tone, and increase sexual pleasure and even your natural lubrication. It can also relieve stress urinary incontinence by strengthening the ligaments around your bladder.

In Addition to Mona Lisa Touch, PRP Rejuvenation Is an Excellent Method to Restore Sexual Function

PRP for vaginal rejuvenation first takes blood from your own body. Then, it separates the plasma from the rest of the cells. They are then injected directly into the anterior wall of the vagina, around the urethra, and directly into the clitoris. Don’t worry, before the injections are made a topical cream is applied to numb the area.

Are You Ready to Take Back Your Sex Life and Feel More Confident and Comfortable as a Woman?

Vaginal rejuvenation help to restore general sexual health, but it can also be a huge confidence booster in the bedroom! Now that you have an answer to your question, “Does vaginal rejuvenation really work,” what are you waiting for? 

Say hello to those lost sensations, and you may even discover new ones! Contact us today at 703-991-6806 to book a consultation to learn more about which method is best for you.
