Does Testosterone Help with Sex Drive?

When you hear low testosterone in relation to a healthy sex drive, you probably think it only applies to men. The truth is it applies to women too. So does testosterone help with sex drive in women? Yes, and here’s how.

What Exactly Does Testosterone Do for My Sex Drive and My Health?

Unfortunately, as you age it’s normal for all hormones including testosterone to decrease naturally. Not only does it provide you with the energy for sex, but it’s also the force behind your sexual thoughts and desires. 


A decrease in testosterone is also responsible for reduced muscle mass, and it affects your skeletal health.

I’ve Heard Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Controversial. What’s the Scoop?

The reality is there haven’t been enough studies to conclude that it’s absolutely necessary for women, but studies have shown it is effective. It’s proven most successful in women who’ve experienced low libido due to forced menopause due to a hysterectomy or women who are postmenopausal.

So, Does Testosterone Help With Sex Drive? Is It Right for Me?

While we know from a scientific standpoint that it does increase sex drive, you need a consultation with your provider to determine if it’s the right option for you. 


There are many reasons why you may be experiencing decreased libido, and those should be evaluated before beginning any type of treatment.

Trust the Experts at The Menopause Center for Successful Hormone Therapy Results!

Renowned hormone specialist Dr. Melinda Hall has spent her career helping women live full, happy, and healthy lives inside and outside of the bedroom. She understands it can be a bit difficult to discuss your sex drives, so you’ll receive nothing but compassionate, respectful care. 

If you’re ready to get your sex life back on track, we are here to help! Please call us at 703-991-6806 to schedule your appointment today!
