Bioidentical Hormones: Uses & Benefits

For women approaching menopause, hormonal changes can result in some very uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms.

Many of these patients are hesitant to try traditional hormone replacement therapy and are seeking relief with bio-identical hormones.

What Are Bio-identical Hormones?

Bio-identical hormones are used to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with menopause by increasing estrogen and progesterone levels. Furthermore, they have the same molecular and chemical structure as naturally occurring hormones.

Before starting bio-identical hormones, physicians often recommend that women try other treatment options. More specifically, they suggest maintaining a healthy diet, increasing exercise, and reducing stress and anxiety.

How Bio-identical Hormones Work

Bio-identical hormones function in the exact same manner as hormones produced by the body. Although these hormones are manufactured in a lab, the body will not be able to recognize them as an external entity.

Some commonly used bio-identical hormones are Estrace, Estradil, Femring, Vagifem, Prometrium and Prochieve. They may be in a cream, gel, injection, or tablet form.

These hormones are often engineered by large pharmaceutical companies and have gained FDA-approval. They may also be produced by compounding pharmacies without FDA- clearance.

Benefits of Bio-identical Hormones

When bio-identical hormones bind to estrogen and progesterone receptor sites, they are able to lessen many symptoms of menopause. As a result, women note reduced fatigue, increased sex drive, less hair thinning, reduced hot flashes, less dry skin, improved sleep, and reduced bloating.

Risks of Bio-identical Hormones

While many menopausal patients experience significant relief, bio-identical hormones aren’t risk-free. Patients should be made aware that some of these hormones have been tested and approved by the FDA, while others have not.

Additionally, there are no long-term studies on the effects of bio-identical hormones. Physicians are also concerned that these drugs may mask the symptoms of a more serious medical condition like an autoimmune disorder.

More Information on Bio-identical Hormone

If you would like more information on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Melinda Hall
