All About Pellet Therapy

What exactly is pellet therapy? Well, it’s a way of delivering bioidentical hormones, and understanding the value of bioidentical hormones is the key to understand pellet therapy.

Essentially, bioidentical hormones are exactly structurally similar to what your body produces naturally. Most of the time, what individuals use are synthetic hormones which are not identical matches.

Molecule by molecule, bioidentical hormones match what your body creates–something that can be necessary depending on what conditions need to be treated.

How are bioidentical hormones made? Typically they’re derived from plants, but they’re designed, molecule by molecule, to be similar to the hormones endogenous to the human body. Of course, depending on the hormone, the ingredients might vary.

How Do I Know If I’m a Candidate for Pellet Therapy?

Ultimately, testing is available to see if the balance of your hormones is fine. If you’re feeling symptoms indicative of hormonal imbalance–even when you’re taking synthetic hormones–you might need bioidentical hormones. These symptoms include fatigue, depression, weight gain, insomnia, mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, muscle atrophy, and more.

Men may need testosterone replacement, and women may need hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, or even testosterone post-menopause. Overall, both men and women may, especially later in life, need hormone replacement therapy to rebalance their hormones.

But if the individual is still feeling any of the above symptoms when using synthetic symptoms, they might need to have Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT.

If you’re interested in BHRT, make sure to find a practitioner who’s experienced in the usage of bioidentical hormones–like Dr. Melinda Hall. Not all doctors have sought expertise in bioidentical hormones, and, as a result, you’ll want to find an expert who knows what they’re doing and is trained in their usage.

Want to know more about pellet therapy and if it’s a good option for you? Call or email The Menopause Center today to schedule your appointment.
